CoderDojo: Create with Code. – the HTML manual created by CoderDojo
|CoderDojo Brianza has won a copy of the first manual created by CoderDojo about HTML: CoderDojo: Create with Code.

A group of friends wants to create a web site for their rock band: the book explains step-by-step how to.
The book is in English only, with a lot of illustrations. From the publisher’s web site it’s possible to download examples files and to have access to the extra content.
We tested the book during a dojo but our ninjas’english skills are not good enough to understand the book. So we’re creating some tutorials following the example of the book (which is copyrighted so we can’t just copy and translate). If someone is interested, the book is still available during the dojos organized directly by Coderdojo Brianza – Vimercate.
Our opinion
We tested the book with a group of children between 8 and 9 years old: their English is not so good but the book in itself is not so hard to understand.
The text starts from a concrete idea, dwells on how to organize the content and then focuses on the code of the pages. In the end comes the graphic design. That’s the ideal flow of a web project, I would like young coders to learn this workflow (even if it’s a totally different story when it comes to the real work life).
The code is commented and explained, but in my opinion the book lacks a general introduction on the concepts of the net, ipertext and web. I’ve been observing that our ninjas are not enough aware of the infrastructure behind a web site.
The last part about putting a website online is kind of a cut off: it’s reasonable,there are a lot of differences in web hosting services. Filezilla explanation is good enough.